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Where in that quote does it say that PC gaming is growing faster than consoles?


Like I said, MMORPG is the last bastion of PC gaming (subscription).  Microtransactions-based and casual games have nothing to do with any of the mainstream games that you mention...he's talking about crap like Club Penguin and flash-based minigames, as well as card-and-board game site like Yahoo Games.  It's great that those areas are flourishing, but that means zero to gamers in general.

The truth is that poor box sales and rampant piracy are killing PC gaming.  Companies can no longer count on PC-only sales to support game development, which is why you see marquee games come out on consoles first and then PCs later.  It's just a footnote to extend the sales of a game slightly, an afterthought.

PS3 and 360 offers gamers a stable platform for which to buy their games.  The Wii offers that too, unfortunately it is so underpowered and feature-poor that it will be replaced in 3 years.