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Kantor said:

What is it that keeps you from buying MGS4? The trailer looks incredible, it has a Gamespot and IGN 10/10, an IGN UK 9.9/10 and an IGN AU 9.5/10, a metascore of 94 and ONLINE!

It's somewhat creepy that more PS3 owners currently own an average racer (MotorStorm) than one of the best games of this gen (MGS4)

I'm not expecting everybody with a PS3 to own it, but is half the audience really that far fetched? 7 million people?

So again, for people who don't own it, what keeps you from buying MGS4?


To put it in perspective, MGS2 and MGS3 sold roughly 5.5m and 4m copies on the PS2, and that's the PS2 that has a 100+ million units sold worldwide. So MGS4's attach rate on the PS3 is actually far more impressive than MGS2 and MGS3. And to answer your question, it is pretty far-fectched to expect any game to have an attach rate of 50% on any system. I don't think you'll find more than a few games in existence that even comes close to that kind of attach rate.