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flagship said:
Attachment ratio is almost as important as market share. Currently the Wii attachment ratio is poor and the 3rd party attachment ration is atrocious, in fact the biggest 3rd party Wii hit has MARIO in it.

So as a developer I could either make an HD game for the 360/PS3/PC where I know even it if flops a couple hundred thousand people will pick up my game or I can make it exclusively for the Wii where it will be ignored by the majority of the user base who clearly based on their purchasing habits like first party games.

Actually, they don't really care about attach ratio because it doesn't mean anything with regards to actual profits.


For example, we'll use RE4

PS2 - 88 million install base - 2.7 million RE4 sold - 33:1 attach rate

GC - 17 million install base - 1.7 million RE4 sold - 10:1 attach rate


Do you think the fact GC had 3 times the attach rate on GC over the PS2 means anything to Capcom even though the PS2 version sold 1 million more units?

It also cost less to develop on PS2 because the game endinge, art assets and major development had already been done by the GC development team.


Attach rate is nothing but a PR figure.



The rEVOLution is not being televised