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We seem to all be in agreement on what has the possibility. But one we all left out was Monster Hunter 3. Probably because most of us don't live in Japan, but that game may have one of the biggest opening weeks out of all the Wii 3rd party games. We are talking a million first week being the most likely scenario.

But we are American/European so we think the ones that are bigger here. But yea this year COD5, GH: WT, and TOS2 are the ones that could amass that along with maybe Sonic Unleashed and Quantum of Solace given they are big brand games.

Going into 2009 The Conduit has gotten so much hype and attention already that its hard to think this won't open big. I think this will be that game where the core just agrees on a similar purchase. Also a lot of other in 09 that have this chance such as Madworld and Red Steel 2 among others but we'll wait more til beginning of 09 to start judging hype on those.