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Guitar Hero: World Tour should have a pretty big debut. Also so should The Conduit and Red Steel 2 whenever it releases.

Most of it just has to do with getting the core base on the Nintendo platform to agree with the same purchase haha. I mean they do it of course with Nintendo games which is why Brawl, TP, SMG, and MK Wii all have huge openers but on 3rd party games, especially multiplat, it seems to be a lot harder to get them to agree.

Most of the time they own another console and get that or they see through them getting the weak end of the deal with a game. Considering there haven't been too many big 3rd party exclusives on the Wii that applies to that huge core its been hard to tell how they would do with something like that. But The Conduit should be a test for that along with various other big 3rd party exclusive releasing in 2009. As for the rest of the year we are looking at Sonic Unleashed, 007 Game, GH: WT, COD5, and Tales of Symphonia 2 possibly having those big debuts.