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I think the right statement would be that Companies WERE short sighted about the Wii, and things do change now. Because HD Gaming is expensive and does not always return a profit plus wii has significant market share advantage, things are changing. Few Examples

EA , heavily supported the PS3 from the start, now they shifting towards the Wii and some might not agree with all-play approach (i like it , but hate the boxarts) but overall the 09 titles were much improved compared to 08 especially FIFA and Madden who are both very good, and have something different to offer from their HD brothers. They also are preparing Harry Potter game for the Wii first as their pririority.  They got more under their sleeve.

Japanese developers (the smaller ones) seem to be shifting entirely to the Wii, and finally the console is getting good numbers of ambitious projects like JRPG's (which is what i've been waiting for).

Namco is putting their next main Tales title on the Wii, and TOS Spin-off seems to be a good game. I think Fragile without a Doubt will be released in the west, Soul Calibur Legends did not sell because it did not deserve to sell (it is a bad game)

Capcom also tries, the games they released like Zack Wiki, RE:UC are good, the releases of RE4 and Okami were also great titles. I know they could do much more but MH III on the Wii shows that they treat it as an important platform. (God i still hope for RE game for the WII)

So i think the tide has turned and Wii is getting some great 3rd party support now, and it will only grow in the future.

I know some companies: SE, R* are ignoring the Wii but i dont expect this to continue, if DS version of GTA sells well (and it will) R* will make some sort of Wii game.