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trestres said:
@Diomedes: I guess it is hard to see what you write with all those tears coming out of your eyes.

Please write a new post again when you can actually see what you are writing.

You just hate the Wii, you didn't even bother to read what people had to say about the matter, you just posted a quick and dirty reply (like you always do) filled with hate towards the Wii. Please stop trolling.


 You make me laugh.

I save my tears for things that matter ,not if X machine has outsold Y machine dont be silly .

I dont hate the Wii .I just dont like it ,and for good reason .I heard what other people had to say about the matter ,I just think they are wrong .I posted my opinion ,as everybody else ,that was taking in count real facts and way cleaner that your usual whining about "wii haters".

Of course the Wii lacks the big franchises.And things will continue like that.Developers wont create a inferior version of their games when they can create a PS3-360-PC project that sells worlwide at a higher pricepoint and to userbases that are way more interested in that kind of core gaming unlike 2/3 of the Wii users .So things will continue like that.But even at that you are wrong ,as games as PES have sold 3 times more on the PS3 that on the Wii with about 1/3 of the userbase and other games as the Konami baseball games or GI Jockey have outperformed the Wii versions by 3-1 as well .