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I don't understand all the hate for the Wii. If anything I think it would be more "boring" than ugly. I like simple designs and think it's the best looking of the three.

360 would be a distant 2nd. I don't have any real appeal or distaste for it. The faceplate idea was kinda gimicky IMO.

The PS3 I would for sure put in 3rd. I'm amazed at the love it's getting. It's big, heavy, and has no real aesthetic design at all. The top has the right idea with the curves but then it puts it on top of a huge blocky base. The Spiderman 3 font is kinda dumb too. Nothing about it flows at all and just seems to be a shell for all the expensive hardware inside.

I thought the first gen PS2 was horrible looking as well. The slim though was the best looking system last gen. Again I prefer plain designs over big bulky ones. The Original Xbox was for sure the worst of last gen systems. It looked like a crappy VCR.

Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection