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There is Unreal and Unreal 2 SP games. There is Unreal Tournament online MP.

There is no SP Unreal 3 which is what the poster is referring to.

OT probably not. I enjoyed Unreal at the time but it dragged out over a lot of levels with little sense of purpose between then (although it did look very pretty for the time). Unreal 2 I got when the price had dropped a bit and it was a bit of a stinker I think. Again looked great for the time, but the story, etc. was even worse this time around when I had high hopes it was in fact going to get better.

Of course if they made it and it turned out great, etc. then I probably would buy it but I doubt Unreal 3 will be made and I doubt even more it would be good if it was.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...