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Numbers speak for themselves ,the PS3 third party games are selling very good relating to the userbase to the point theres not a lot of difference of the sales of the previous games on the much more succesful PS2.

360 games also have a good attach rate.

But Wii users in Japan seem only interested in getting the "Wii X" stuff as Wii Fit ,Wii Sports ,Wii Play ,Wii Family Trainer ,Mario Kart Wii.Some other NIntendo franchises as Mario Galaxy and Smash Brothers have had good sales too but very few.And most of the latests core offerings ,specially third party software ,are bombing really hard .The only game that sold decent was Tales of the New World ....and just to numbers that if on a PSP game we would speak of a "mild " succes.The others range between Ok with Fatal Frame and a couple others (PES,Shire the Wanderer) to abysmal.Its not enough to create a machine ,name it a next gen console and have it sell a lot of units to very casual gamers to have the successor of the PS2.The Wii is a differente ,determinate machine ....but its not the PS2 successor.