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The PS2 won't stop selling for a while. There still needs to be the price cut down to $99, then maybe some colors for the Slim (???) if there aren't colors already. Maybe another price cut if the HW is that cheap to produce (I doubt it).
The only thing that would slow it down much quicker is if the PS3 finally got its Backwards Compatibility back.

The software will still be around to support it for who knows how long. I want to think the PS2 will go into 2009 with it's last Christmas. However, in 2010 it might be there, but current-gen systems like the Wii may get a price cut by then and by Xmas 2010, PS2 sales will be minimal.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."