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KBG29 said:
I think Nintendo just knows what the market wants, and does a good job mareting it. The Wii is really nothing new as far as games go. A couple of things are neat like Wii sports, and FPS controls. Games like Mario Galexy, Zelda, Super Smash Brothers, and Mario Kart have really done nothing new in controls. From my experiance the only differance between Wii and PS3 (control wise) is the distance at which I hold my hands apart. Besides the games I metioned first, gameplay stays pretty similar beyond those. As far as Wii Fit goes. Wii Fit is not a console game. Wii Fit is the same gimmic that has been sold since the early 1990's. Wii Fit just marks the first time a console maker has slapped there name brand on a generic product.

So really I think the only problem with Japan is Nintendo. Sure they are making money and selling software, but it is really hurting games.I give them credit for having a good gimic to sell consoles on. It works very well and they have broght themselves back to a position were they can do awsome things agian next gen. With that, I hope they will get back to gaming and move all of their new fans on to the quality of games we have been playing since about 1997. Right now they can continue to sell low quality first and third party titles. Please let them stop once they offer a new system though.

What's hurting games is a wii port from a third party like farcry instincts. In japan or anywhere in the world.


Go buy Metroid OTHER M!

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