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Go download XNA, build a game, have it reviewed by other gamers, then it is published in as little as 48 hours... That's holding back the small developers?

If you can't figure it out then you don't deserve to write a game and have it published.

50,000 makes sense for retail titles. And it is really not that big of a number. 50,000 in the US, puts that at probably 1 copy per store that carries 360. As the console is selling decently this will deter and hopefully decrease shovelware releases.

What is Nintendo and Sony's minimum? If MS has lifted there minimum to 50,000 and Sony and Nintendo has a minimum of 75,000 it is still a lot less?

These kind of one sided stories on all the consoles are annoying and an insult to factual journalism. All the console makers want the best and most innovative developers making content on their systems. Its not like any of them wake up and say lets screw the most talented and innovative small game makers out there.