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(5) OK, so basic necessities for survival are covered.  That's a given.  Now, which would you say is more valuable and helpful to a person:  College education or a summer house?  Which is more satisfying:  a video game system or a second sailboat?


Two more before i go.


Depends on the person. I had a college education and it has had no value or no help to me whatsoever.  While some rich guys second home gives him a place to go in the summer.

Which is more satisfying?  Once again... would depend on your person.  Some sailboat enthusiast likely loves sailboats.

Which is a flaw you don't account for.

People have different expectations and standards of living... largely based off of the money they have. 

"Quality of Life" is based off of "Standards of Living" in my opinion.


4) Also regarding this.  Do we know for a fact that most people who are rich had a big leg up on people?

Regardless my point is.  Take an even distribution of people.... and apply it to our current wealth system.

What happens is what happens with my friend and I... on every level.

Those good with money go up.... those bad with money go down in wealth.  Therefore your wealth based initatives aren't really hitting everybody fairly, since the wealth group isn't as evenly distributed as you are making it out to be.

More people good with money are in the top groups then people bad with money and vice versa.

Your entire premise of taking wealth as the defining factor is fundamentally flawed.