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WessleWoggle said:
Sqrl said:


So you're telling me that a well balanced diet is not ideal for health?

Could you link to some supporting research? 

Not to be combative (which BTW you are and I really don't appreciate the hostility), but it sort of goes against everything I've ever heard from literally every authority on the matter.  Of course all of them theoretically could be wrong...I hope you understand why I might need a little more than your assertion to buy into it though, no offense.

I have a sneaking suspicion that you're a vegan or some other restrictive diet, let me know if I missed the mark though (wouldn't be the first time).



A well balanced diet doesn't need meat though, just the nutrients and fats that come from the meat. That being said, it's easier to eat meat for that purpose, and just as healthy.


I agree, but thats just the thing, I never said he had to get it from meat.

All I said was that an omnivore diet was an ideal diet.  and I was told I was ..let me quote:

"SO wrong"

If his entire point was simply that he could get it elsewhere then I think he overreacted a bit.  Of course if thats not his point then I would love to hear/see the data behind him.  I'm always open to new information.

To Each Man, Responsibility