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kingofwale said:

i always find it quite ironic when Nintendo fans ranting about other console's graphical power.... and when talking about its own console, it's always abouts how graphics doesn't mean anything.


the fact PSP's graphics doesn't look God of War 2? Because of battery limitation. Same reason you don't see best looking N64 games on DS, exact same reason.

I always find it quite ironic how time after time, individuals of the Sony pursuasion consistently refer to anyone that owns, let alone has ever touched a Nintendo branded product, in such a manner as if they're not allowed to comment or even acknowledge the subject of graphics on other platforms just because a few people have repeated the Wii's winning formula of producing games that don't rely entirely on how pretty they are. You'd think the bitterness would go away some day.

And Soriku, your problem is that you're using games like Crisis Core as an example of graphics on he PSP. Firstly, Square Enix is generally in the top tier developers when it comes to pushing graphics on any platform. Secondly, Crisis Core and Birth By Sleep are both games that take place in enclosed areas and the likes which means they have less to render than some other PSP games.



Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"