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the state of affairs right now is a lot different than your data would suggest mafoo.

you are taking things from out of context and trying to apply them here.
OK, lowering taxes for the rich equals in rich paying more taxes, do we agree?
Now to help illustrate what i'm talking about: Do you also agree that if the rich paid 0% taxes then they would not be paying taxes despite the thinking that 'the lower the taxes the higher the tax revenue'?
At some point the tax reduction stops bringing in such a high return.

Even with the cut rich people might just be saving because of the financial crisis, or perhaps they will simply buy the same amount of things at a lower tax rate as at a higher tax rate. in many cases the income will not increase.

Somewhere in those numbers (between 0% and whatever it is now), there is an algorithm that brings in the most profit. Since you do not have that algorithm, and possibly don't even understand what i'm talking about, I'm just going to assume that you believe lower taxes for the rich is a solve-it all problem.

Finding what they are exactly paying now is quite hard. this was only a cursory search:
in 2007 buffett blasted the government for only having to pay 17% whereas his secretary paid 30. so it was 17% in 2007. If you look up 2008 tax year it says 35% for people over 300k or so.
whats going on, i thought you said that republicans lower taxes for the rich and that was the smartest thing to do. did he just raise them for no reason in particular? from what i was looking at rich people are paying the least amount of taxes in 20 or so years. so what gives???.


from the heritage foundation

"Lower tax rates are important, but they are not the only critical issue. Both the level of government spending and where that money goes are very important. And even when looking only at tax policy, tax rates are just one piece of the puzzle. If certain types of income are subject to multiple layers of tax, as occurs in the current system, that problem cannot be solved by low rates. Similarly, a tax system with needless levels of complexity will impose heavy costs on the productive sector of the economy."

obama's plan is to spend it on things that will recoup losses and such. you are only working with one piece of the puzzle or so they say.