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The list isn't that good, I could come up with a better one.

Disaster: Day of Crisis - Seeing as how it's already translated into English I think they will save it for 2009.

Fragile: Farewell Ruins of the Moon - No release date has been announced, but it hasn't been released in Japan, so I don't think we should worry.

Unspecified Wii Tales game - Nothing is known about the game, so worrying about a NA release date now is pointless.

Tatsunoko vs. Capcom - The only one that deserves to be one the list, Capcom have stated that they are working on bringing it to the west, but it will be very hard.

Monster Hunter 3 - Capcom wants to make the franchise more popular in the west, the can't do that without releasing games.


And now, like I said I will make a better one.

Tatsunoko vs. Capcom - Due to licensing issues it might not be released outside Japan.

Fatal Frame IV - It is tricky with this one because Tecmo and Nintendo aren't sure who will publish it.

Captain Rainbow - I don't think I have to explain this one.

Mysterious Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer 3 - It has been released in Japan and no confirmation for NA and Europe.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI - The PS2 and PC versions have already been released outside Japan, and there is no date announced for the Wii version.