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My take

First of all, since only one of these games has even been released in Japan, it is a bit early for one to get one's dander up about NA release possibilities. Now on to the games:

Disaster -- probably, eventually, especially if it fares well in Europe. The issue is finding a publisher as it appears NOA does not want to do was NOJ did.ABOVE EDITED TO CORRECT DEVELOPER CONFUSION (Thanks Rhonin).

Fragile -- Namco-Bandai has released much tripe in NA on the Wii. This game though would seem ready to change that. But a lot would depend on translation costs. I put it at 50-50, hopefully better since it has been talked about and sought after for a while.

New Tales -- another Namco-Bandai game, which complicates things. But since Tales seems to be well-received here, better than 50-50.

T vs. C -- very low chance, mainly on copyright issues, of this ever leaving the Land of the Rising Sun.

MH3 -- the assumption heretofore has been yes, it will be. I see nothing to change this. It just got a Japanese release date. And given the trend of PS2 to Wii, there might be some players who had the version before who would want this.

Mike from Morgantown


Fatal Frame IV -- probably, eventually The issue is finding a publisher as it appears NOA does not want to do was NOJ did and Tecmo is not doing too well as of late.


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492