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OMG cola the taxes goes to pay for things that we need to protect ourselves from future disasters and recoup some loss from this ridiculous debt we have.

Giving everyone under 250k a tax break helps the economy because those people are going to be buying things like food, pay for rent, mortgage payments, and the like. That not only helps the mortgage crisis but puts money into the pockets of people that live in the US.
Landlords, coop farmers, kmart (which employs an amazing amount of people), house workers like painters and plumbers, and the list goes on.
Now, of course rich people may do the same, however they might also shop gucci instead of kmart, whole foods, instead of stopandshop, and other foriegn operated companies. Also, they will still buy regardless because they have the money to do so.
Less money for the poor, well guess whose incomes take the dive, those same landlords, plumbers, and the like.

But like I said, this is more about being able to fund new energy sources, schooling (i said before, the smarter the population, the better the economy does), and various programs that need to be in place.

Prove to me now, how lower taxes for the rich improves anything. Since your snide remarks seems to be an attempt to show that you know what you are talking about.
and don't try to use data that isn't provable. Like one-time occurances, cuz i'm expecting a "didn't work in europe" argument, which has nothing in common with this scenario.