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akuma587 said:
Kasz216 said:
Jackson50 said:
bigjon said:
I wanna believe McCain when he says he will balance the budget. He said that, "I will balance the budget"

I think he is taking a massive cut in spending direction. This is basically the only reason I am voting for McCain, his fiscal conservatism. The rest of the reason for my voting is more against Obama.


McCain is not going to cut spending. The NTU (National Taxpayers Union) studied McCain's proposals and concluded that McCain would increase spending by nearly $100 billion. If you couple that with his tax cuts...that, my friends, is not fiscal responsibility. Obama will also increase spending, but he will at least raise taxes on the wealthy.

They only counted like... the Tax Plan though.  Not budgetary spending or anything.  He could cut taxes then have most departments in the government cut spending. (Theoretically.)

I mean wasn't he for a balanced buget ammendment?


He was also against the Bush tax cuts...

I agree McCain will do a much better job on fiscal responsibility than Bush II or Reagan, but the American public is totally full of crap.  If McCain starts slashing programs people will shit a brick.

They want:

1) The government to solve more of their problems


2) The government to spend less of their money

Really people just need to quit bellyaching about taxes, because they will continue to bellyache about the government not doing enough regardless of what happens.

Cause the economy was good.  When the economy is doing really good you don't need to cut corporate taxes... because the economy is already good.  It's throwing money away.

When the economy is bad however....

I mean your basically saying "McCain was against using an umbrella when it was a sunny day without a cloud in the sky.... but now it's raining and he has one!   OMG FLIP FLOP!"