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akuma587 said:
Jackson50 said:
Kasz216 said:

Well technically ever since Iraq started people have been importing all the terrorists into Iraq to take easy pot shots at the US army... rather then import them to the US.

Then again you don't live in NY so... eh not really.

I have always disagreed with this reason for the Iraq War. Exporting our problems to Iraq was immoral of us. 

Anyways, I do not agree with a proportional tax. The marginal value of one's income decreases as they earn more, so I do not support a "flat tax." To be honest, I have neither seen nor heard of a true flat-tax proposal. All of them have been progressive...some more than others.

Because even flat tax people who have any idea what they are talking know that a flat tax just won't work unless you put it at 30% or more.  And that would raise most of the country's taxes, which doesn't go over too well.


Yeah... well with government as it is. 

Which is why we should keep the tax system as it is... but not make it more uneven.

While passing a balanced budget ammendment.

Followed by massive cuts to the goverment.

Then transition into a reasonable flat tax.