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TWRoO said:

You might touch a nerve with that one. I'm not a PC gamer myself, I find it inconvenient, but I can tell you PC gaming is certainly not on life support, in fact Worldwide I am pretty positive more PC games are sold every year than any one of the consoles (dunno about DS as it is a beast at the moment) and yes I said "sold" so I am not factoring in any pirated games (of which there are a lot on the PC)


Well said...that's why gamers have migrated over to consoles....PC gaming is inconvenient.

And while saying that PC gaming is in its death throes might be an overstatement, it has most certainly moved into niche status while console gaming has become mainstream.  PC gaming has slowly been losing perferred status in a lot of different genres and seems to be the last bastion for MMORPGs and real time strategy games like Civ....

But getting back to my original point, for the life of me I can't understand why Wii owners like frybread feel the need to justify their choice in gaming consoles over and over and over again.  I guess having a choice is suddenly a bad thing in their eyes.

Imagine how stagnant gaming would become if Sony and Microsoft weren't in the market...I might be in the minority, but I'm glad that I have choices.