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Ok, I just got here, so I may be off on some things. But it would seem that Mafoo is angry about welfare, or rather the collecting of taxes from one group that uses it to provide for another group that he cannot benefit from correct?

I gather that from this specifically

"I don't mind paying taxes. I don't mind paying more taxed then the poor. I don't mind paying more of my share then the poor pay.

I do mind paying for services I can not take advantage of, and solely because the president says we need to "share the wealth"."

Ok, fair enough. But you do know that you can benefit from welfare right? If you suddenly lost a ton of money in some stupid business decision, you can get food stamps, government housing, welfare checks, ect. You are perfectly capable of benefiting from that.

To be angry at that you'd have to also abolish security. It's paying for old people that didn't plan ahead. Say...government run free clinics. You almost certainly are not going to be going to a hell hole free clinic if you have health insurance, or even moderately reasonable income. Government funding of stem cell research, you don't have parkinsons, why the hell should you pay for those jittery bastards hope?

You pay for aaaallll sorts of things that you will never use, things that are of no use to you, things that are only for some backwoods yokel that lives in Alaska are going to make use of. The things you're complaining about you can actually use if the circumstances happen to move that way.

I don't like welfare, but not because of it's existence but because of it's sloppy implementation. It's a good program, and one that should exist, it's just one that gets taken advantage of too much.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.