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steven787 said:
TheRealMafoo said:

I am not against the government intervening in healthcare. I am against the government collecting funds from one group of people, to provide a service to another (and not to the people they collected it from).

If you do what you are asking, you are giving life to one group, at the expense of life and liberty of another.  Life because it takes time to earn it, and liberty because you have no choice but to do it.

In terms of the constitution, life means the government can not take it away from you. Not that it's there job to prolong it for you. I have no issues with the service in general, as long as it's a general service for all.

The only issue I then have with it, is the government sucks at everything they do, so why would they do a good job here? That's a different issue however.


Not really, it at the expense of a small portion of the wealth of another.  As far as your reasoning, it's just life; there will always be taxes.  You want to live in a country, use it's resources, it's services, it defense, etc, than you pay taxes.  Because the wealthier individuals actually use more government services, national resources, military defense, and genreally benefit more from the society they live in they pay more.

Sucks, just be glad you're not in that income bracket, if you feel that way.  I made a lot of money off the work of others when I owned my businesses, it's just the price you pay for being able to drive the new car, live in the nice house in a safe neighborhood... it didn't stop me from doing that.

When I wasn't back in school, my higher income provided me with more liberty than the taxes took away.

Let think of a hypothetical.  If there was a federal property tax or sales tax (on ALL transactions, not like states sales tax) the wealthy would still be paying a higher percentage of taxes than the poor compared to there income.


I will assume you didn't read all of my replies on this page, so I will say it again :).

I don't mind paying taxes. I don't mind paying more taxed then the poor. I don't mind paying more of my share then the poor pay.

I do mind paying for services I can not take advantage of, and solely because the president says we need to "share the wealth".

Again, like in my OP, I am more concerned that more Americans are not worried that our next president feels this way.