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I posted this list already in another thread:

Available DS point & click adventures:
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
Hotel Dusk: Room 215
Trace Memory/Another Code
Myst (avoid this; horrible port according to reviewers)
Some Nancy Drew games

Future DS point & click adventures:
Miles Edgeworth: Perfect Prosecutor
Again: Eye of Providence
Flower, Sun & Rain
Undercover: Dual Motives
Last King of Africa
Secret Files: Tunguska
Runaway: The Dream of the Blue Turtle
Time Hollow
Edna & Harvey: The Breakout
So Blonde
The Whispered World
Ankh: Curse of the Scarab King
A New Beginning (announced, no DS screenshots yet; PC screenshots:,852 )

(Ankh, Undercover, Secret Files and Runaway are already out in some European countries - I got all 4, three on DS, one on Wii)

A port of the first Broken Sword game is semi-confirmed by Revolution Software's Charles Cecil

The best available p&c adventures on DS so far come from the Japanese developers (Nintendo, Capcom). The reason for this is that the Japanese games are originally developed for DS, the available and future European games are just ports of PC games. Better than nothing, but I would prefer original developments.

Only very few US companies develop p&c adventures nowadays. This is the main reason why this genre is always considered dead by NA gamers: Most of them don't know that many p&c games are available and being developed in Europe.

Actually I think that - outside Myst - p&c adventure games were never really popular in USA (although nearly all the best ones were developed by US companies, like the legendary one in my sig). They were and are way more popular in Europe - at least that's my impression.

The genre was never dead, but European developers only make good adventures, not brilliant ones, and without more US delevopers it will never regain the status it had among gamers until the mid 90s.