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Yep.  Anyone heard of this?  I googled it and saw very few instances of people having this problem.  Last night I was playing Tiger Woods 09 with a friend on Live and about the 5th hole, my screen got this greenish/yellowish tint to it.  The first thing I thought was that my HDTV took a crap.  I switched it over to my cable box, and it was fine.  I thought maybe the port was bad on my TV, so I switched ports.  No go.  It's my Xbox.  It still plays games just fine and doesn't overheat or anything, but there is all this yellow and green stuff going on.  Alas, I called today and they e mailed me a shipping label to send my console in for repair.  (They wouldn't send me a coffin, probably because it's not the RRoD.)

This really does suck.  Fable 2 comes out this week and I just happened to have the day off of work that day.  I will still go get the game, but I will not have my Xbox 360 to play it on.  Before anyone asks, yes, this is a Falcon model.  I won't mind if they just fix mine and send it back, but it would be really cool if they would just send me a new Jasper model. The girl the phone said my graphics card had gone bad.

I'm not mad.  This is a risk when buying a 360.  I love my console and it's under warranty.  It's just that I really wanted to play Fable 2 this week.  And just in case anyone is thinking about suggesting it, no, I'm not switching to the PS3.  Blech.