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Damn I already know way to much about this game... who the hell knew we where fighting Locust again ??? Didn´t we kill them in part one ??? I was speculating on space Nazis or something... also I had no clue they would up the graphics... I was under the impression they would lower the graphics for artistic reasons... 

Oh and since it seems to be good manners to compare it to shooters in other consoles: Whats more important about this game than the graphics is the style... the weapons, the buldings, the enemys, the gameplay, the music... they all bleed pure style... something I miss in certain other shooters, also quite counting poligons and mesuring enemy size... having huge enemys is stupid anyway... there is a reason no one makes those, a small well armed fighter or kamikaze squad kan take those out in seconds... they are nice to look at but thats about it... also big outdoor scenes are great but indoor close combat is just as fun... only because you can do big surroundings doesn´t mean thats all you should do... also 8 player co-op would just cramp my style... "I wanna go that way"... "You stealing ammo!!!"... "But I wanna drive!!!"... "We can´t go any further... my pizza is done"... also when I hear 60 player online my spider sence screams: "Lag and Leavers!!!" real loud... also do I need to get gan banged by 30 guys at once ??? Not unless I´m back in jail... having co-op and multiplayer compact and less messy is much better IMO...