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Final-Fan said:
bigjon said:
I wanna believe McCain when he says he will balance the budget. He said that, "I will balance the budget"

I think he is taking a massive cut in spending direction. This is basically the only reason I am voting for McCain, his fiscal conservatism. The rest of the reason for my voting is more against Obama.

He wants a HUGE tax cut and his promise to balance the budget is an empty one even by Presidential-candidate standards.  NO one believes he'll do it and he has NO plan anyone knows of that's even remotely capable of coming within shouting distance of that goal. 

I freely admit I want you to vote for Obama, but that's not what I'm asking of you right now -- what I'm asking is that you find a better reason to vote for McCain. 

P.S.  You said you're mainly just voting against Obama.  Why is that? 

The answer to your PS usually leads to a ban if the wrong mod reads it...

I think this election cycle all promises of cutting taxes are BS. Obama especially. Obama is saying that he wants to help the middle class to get elected, just like McCain pandered to the right to get the nomination. I believe McCain when he says he will balance the budget. Obama will not do that, there are just too many programs he refuses to cut funding from.

Obama does not like the people of the middle class at all, he just knows he needs their votes to win. Just look at the way he treats "heartland" americans. Attacking Joe the plumber, degrading Sarah Palin, saying the PA folks just cling to their Gun and God... I think those instances were him let some of how he really feels about them seep through.


End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut