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c0rd said:
d21lewis said:
Development times are so long, that I think that this gen is going to last a little longer for every console (maybe not the Wii). I'm still amazed on a regular basis by what this gen is offering. Heavy Rain, Res Evil 5, Gears of War 2, and the technical innovations that the big 3 are offering. I think that this gen is just barely reaching it's prime!

I wonder how people assume the HD consoles can outlast the Wii. There are a two reasons I think it isn't happening:

1) The lead console always lasts the longest.

2) Nintendo's consoles have always been the last entree into their specific generations.

The "hardcore" buying the HD consoles are also the first ones who'd jump ship onto the next-gen offerings. Most of the Wii owners would be satisfied with their old system (see: the PS2).


I wouldn't worry about the next console starting soon. Nintendo wants to prolong it as long as they can, and the 360 is still going strong on its 3rd year. I can't imagine Sony bringing out another console only 5 years after the costly PS3, either.


 I think the next Nintendo console will co-exist side by side with the Wii.  The Wii is a strange creature.  It took a lot of established "rules" and threw them out of the window.  I still want a more powerful Nintendo console, though.  There are too many features that I consider essential, that the Wii is lacking.  Whatever they do, Nintendo has my full support.  They aren't the oldest surviving (and thriving!) gaming company for nothing.