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SmokedHostage said:

I've been a fan of Nintendo since the NES days but there are just some other things that "come with the package."

1.) Nintendo's console will always be deemed the kiddy console. There's no way around it. Unless Nintendo hires American Developers into their first party ranks to develop a bunch of FPS's, it's not going to change. It's been like this since the Genesis became popular so I'm over it.

Isn't Metroid Prime developed by Retro Studios, who are american?

2.) Nintendo's console will always be at a reasonable price. Say what you want about Wii hardware but at least it wasn't launched at $600. I'm sure that if 2160p graphics can be produced on a console at $200 next gen, the Wii's successor will have it.

Depends on how you see reasonable. Last gen technology + waggle = $400AUD may not seem like such a good buy for a lot of people. I thought it was acceptable.

3.) Nintendo will always find a way to make something with an obsurd name sell well. Look at Pokemon.. I can't begin to tell you how many times someone has used Poke-a-man to insult my Pokemon fandom but Blue/Red/Green have sold more units than anything that's not Super Mario Bros. Also look at Pikmin, Nintendogs, Wii Sports, The Wii itself, etc.

4.) Nintendo fans always find reasons to bitch. I'm sorry but they do. I mean anyone remember Yoshi's Story, probably the most childish looking game ever and it was great. Also Wind Waker.. Cel-Shaded but still one of the most epic Zelda's. These are just examples but I don't even want to go into Wii Fit or Wii Music.

I'm glad someone else realises Nintendo fans aren't saints.

5.) Despite people says that Nintendo "releases the same damn games," They will have some quality IP's every gen. The SNES had Starfox, for example. The Gamecube had Pikmin.

My problem is that between waiting for these installments, what else is there for me to play?

6.) There will always to a new Mario IP every new console. The SNES had Mario Paint and Super Mario Kart. The N64 had Mario Party, Mario Tennis, Mario Golf, Paper Mario. The Gamecube had DDR Mario Mix, Mario Baseball and Mario Strikers. I can't for the next ones, personally. I'm sure there are more, I just haven't listed them.

That's very true, they realise that the racist stereotypes thinly disguised as a good natured plumber still sells, so they whore it out. Not necessarily a bad thing when we get Mario Tennis or Mario Golf, but when we get stuff like Strikers and Baseball, it saddens me that Miyamoto would do things like that.

I'm glad I got this out of the way. If you don't mind, I'm going to give my Wii some playtime.