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OK I don't care what your political affiliation is can we all at least agree political ads in video games are a bad thing?

Seriously, when I sit down to play a video game I'm specifically trying to ignore the outside world for an hour or two. I don't want to be dragged back into it by any political BS.

I give Obama credit for the idea, its a great idea and a good move...for the candidate. But I have a hard time believing anyone would honestly want political ads in their games once they consider the reality of it.

Just consider this, while I'm sure you wouldn't mind seeing the candidate you plan to vote for advertise in your game, what happens when the other candidate does it? When you're playing the game and you see:

If you support Obama: "Obama is a terrorist sympathizer who condones bombing white people!"

If you support McCain: "John McCain is a racist bigot who likes to personally torture poor people!"

Of course this is an extreme case and we won't start out with ads this strong, but does anyone honestly think it won't quickly head in that direction? The gaming companies will slowly say yes to more and more as they pocket a bigger and bigger check for their digital ad space with a progressively more biting message.

I for one will not support any *company* that allows political ads. That includes the major players like Nintendo, Valve, Rockstar, etc... I'm vehemently opposed to the concept as it shatters the very purpose behind my being a gamer in the first place.

/end rant


Ok good rant, I'll probably just avoid the games themselves, but if it becomes a theme for a company I'm not against taking it to the next level.

To Each Man, Responsibility