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The hate continues.  Fox News may not be talking about the Obama Bucks, but they did run this story.

GOP Site in California Removes 'Waterboard Obama' Graphic

The Sacramento Republican Party's Web site encouraged readers to "Waterboard Barack Obama" and compared Obama to Usama bin Laden, drawing criticism from state and local Democrats and Republicans.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


A California county's Republican Party Web site encouraged readers to "Waterboard Barack Obama" and compared Obama to Usama bin Laden, drawing criticism on Wednesday from Democrats and Republicans in the state.

The Web site of the Sacramento County Republican Party posted five illustrations saying that the terrorist group Hamas supported Obama and that "the only difference between Obama and Osama is BS." Another attacked Michelle Obama, reading, "Hey Obama! Want to see bitter?"

The graphics were removed from the site by Wednesday, after the state GOP urged the local group to take them down.

The state Republican Party learned of the controversial content when it received a phone call from a reporter, said party spokesman Hector Barajas.

"I called the Sacramento county chairman and I had them remove it," Barajas said. "I also noted to them that this is a complete distraction from what we're trying to do, and that's elect John McCain and Sarah Palin as the next president and vice president of the United States."

Sacramento County Republican Chairman Craig MacGlashan could not be reached for comment Wednesday afternoon, but the Sacramento Bee reported that he defended the Web site's content.

"I'm aware of the content," MacGlashan told the newspaper. "Some people find it offensive, others do not. I cannot comment on how people interpret things."

By Tuesday night the graphics had been removed. "These types of innuendos have absolutely no place in this election," Barajas said. "This isn't a thing we want out there."

Barajas said the slurs asserting Obama was Muslim and tying him to terrorism were like the Democratic Party's attempts make race an issue in the election.

"I think it's a distraction... I figured that we would have moved far beyond this, and as a person of color I'd rather have a discussion on the issues and why Barack Obama is not ready to be commander in chief," Barajas said.

Bob Mulholland, spokesman for the California Democratic Party, said that the state party wasn't focusing on the incident.

"The big picture, that's where we're focusing," Mulholland said. 

"I think the Republicans will be indicted on Nov. 4, so the jury will speak then. The verdict will be Barack Obama for president. We'll be picking up House seats. We'll be picking up Senate seats."

He called the Sacramento County GOP's move just one more flailing attempt to stop the Republicans' slide "down that path of oblivion."

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.