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hatmoza 2.0 said:
hatmoza 2.0 said:

wikipedia lmfao im gonna die of laughter tonight !

ok ok ur talkin about " the satanic verses contraversy" i hardly see how u can compare the two together , and as to not turn this political or relegious , i will stop here

lol wikipedia omg i laughed so hard



ok how about

just because its wiki doesnt mean it didnt happen

why r u putting words in my mouth !! i know it happened ! its juss me my frends have recuring jokes about wikipedia thats why it was so funny to me . sheesh lighten up bro and learn to laugh .


OMG HAHAHA dude that's so hillarious, I can't believe you'd want to do that.... I mean it's so funny HAHAHA LOZZZZ oh dud you are so cracking me up there.

I mean I never though anyone would dare do that to themselves it's so cracing me yo LOOOLZZZ Oh man I feel sorry for you HAHAHA





oh don't know that me and my friends find it funny when people write just as "juss"? wait, you mean it sounded as if I I was making fun of you?

Me and my friend have this joke and that is why it's was so funny to me. sheesh lighten up bro and learn to laught