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Florida GOP Fundraiser Sends Email Joke about Killing Barack and Michelle Obama

This is bad on so many levels — and it certainly should neutralize John McCain’s fake outrage of being compared to George Wallace by Civil Rights hero, Rep. John Lewis:

Al Austin, a longtime, high-level Republican fundraiser from Tampa, today sent to his list of political contacts an e-mail containing a joke that refers to the assassination of Barack Obama…

The joke concerns a group of schoolchildren discussing the definition of “tragedy” as opposed to “great loss” or “accident.” The punch line comes when one child says that if an airplane carrying Obama and his wife, Michelle, “was struck by a ‘friendly fire’ missile and blown to smithereens,” the event might be a tragedy “because it certainly wouldn’t be a great loss, and it probably wouldn’t be an accident either.”

Austin acknowledged sending the e-mail to his list of political contacts but said he forwarded it without fully reading it and didn’t know what it said. That list included at least two reporters.

Austin, a prominent real estate developer long known as one of the state’s leading Republican campaign fundraisers, has served in recent years as finance chairman for both the national and state Republican parties.

On top of everything else, the joke is not funny. More evidence, if any were needed, that conservatives are born without the sense of humor gene.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.