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Onyxmeth said:

I think the problem was the source material itself. I think these movies don't work because the priorities of video games are not necessarily the priorities of movies, and shoving both together tends to give the worst of both worlds instead of the best.

@Gnizmo-I don't remember her being topless at all during that flick, let alone a few minutes. It must not have been anything worthwhile because I've never done certain things to myself during Resident Evil. Also, yeah I probably expect too much out of these movies, but regardless I think they all stink.


 Its the scene where she gets out of the shower. I was upset because in the third fil they re-filmed it not to show off her breasticles. Probably didn't last more than a minute or so, but so worth it. I have a thing for red heads with small boobs though.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229