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madskillz said:
Kasz216 said:

Yep Republicans are the only racists.

It must of been a republican that said

"You cannot go to a 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian Accent."

I wonder who said

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy…”

Some republican probably. No wait that was Joe Biden again.


Joe Biden is the most racist person in this campaign when it comes to the people up top.

The Indian comment was definitely racists. However, I do not take offense to the articulate comment. I am offended when someone calls me boy but Joe grew up in a different time, different age and I will give him a pass on the Obama comment - but not on the Indian comment. Good call.

@ Rocket Pig

What I am saying is - there is no way New Orleans could have evacuated that many folks in that short amount of time. The SuperDome IS a fallout shelter. Had supplies been dropped to the folks there, they would have been fine. However, folks that tried to walk out over a bridge were turned away or shot. They were treated like second-class citizens. Was it their fault that they couldn't leave? The city is already under sea level, and to order a mandatory evacuation - and nada happens - who would foot that bill? Based on that - and the fact that the SuperDome is a nuclear fallout shelter - all the folks in N.O. needed were supplies. Drop them in by helo - or use amphibous tanks or ships to get the supplies in. I agree with you, Pig, that Bush and Co. messed up. And yeah, in retrospect, Blanco and Nagin share some blame - but not as much as the CINC.

No worries, sir. Hopefully, we'll have new leadership come January.


We did it just fine for Gustav.

One of the main issues keeping proper aid from getting to New Orleans in a timely fashion was Gov. Blanco.  States Rights, as decimated as they are these days, do still exist, and Bush couldn't just start shipping tons of crap into Louisiana left and right.

It was up to Blanco to call up the Louisiana National Guard.  It was up to Blanco to request the aid of the Texas Nation Guard (which she eventually did, but my gosh did it take her long enough), and it was up to Blanco to okay certain assistance from the Federal Government.

Bush was in Southern Lousiana immediately after the storm, and he asked Nagin what, in his opinion, would be necesarry for the people in the Superdome.  Nagin responded, and from there Bush went to Blanco, who asked if she could think about the matter for a day or two.

Bush, Blanco, and Nagin all messed things up royally, but Blanco was the chief offender, imo.  Nagin was inexperienced, and Bush's errors were rather indirect (as Final-Fan said, turning FEMA into a joke), but Blanco made utterly stupid errors left and right during the days immediately following Katrina.

And then there's the millions in relief money that got tied up in Baton Rouge for months after the fact.