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Best friend of mine is a General Manager of a movie theater...which is awesome as we tend to play the 360 on the big screen, have private screening of movies...etc... after the theater closes.

Today we were all pumped to see max payne.

Lets just say that we could have the new worst videogame movie on our hands. Not counting Uwe Bolls work can't top that.

I don't want to get in to specifics on why it was bad (non existant plot, lame action scenes, story nothing like the game, not rated R, horrible editing and direction...).

Max payne deserved better than this as it actually wasn't terrible source material to begin with. Hell Mark Whalberg deserved better than this, and I don't even like the guy.

Looks like movies based on games will never get the proper respect from holywood. Whats series is next on the runing block? Brett Ratners Guitar Hero?