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The screw ups in New Orleans weren't directly linked to racism of W. just incompetence BUT because the victims were black the pressure from other people around him was absent.

I'm not saying that Republicans are racists, as Rubang said, their dislike of poor people (in non-election years) makes them seem that way.

What is upsetting about this "Buck" is that there are GOPers in CA that are saying she shouldn't have apologized (see page 1). She refuses to admit that it's wrong, she apologized if it offended any one and said it was in poor taste.

We all slip up and get our foot in our mouths sometime. It's okay to say some things in some places but not in others. Some times a slight change in degree changes something from insensitive or distasteful to racist.

And there is a difference between racism and ignorance. Joe Biden's comment was about diversity, poorly worded and insensitive (because he is an idiot). It wasn't meant as an insult or even a joke.

This was a racist joke. Not the same thing.

The John McCain Robocaller saying Obama "has worked closely with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, whose organization bombed the U.S. Capitol, the Pentagon, a judge's home and killed Americans." Many GOPers either denounce it or are disconnecting themselves from it because McCain is race baiting people who are afraid of brown people.

This isn't a joke, it's a type of connection that is barely questioned in any other candidate, and not by the opposing candidate himself.

The reason I bring it up... is the behavior of McCain and the campaign directly encorages the racism seen in that email newsletter.

I think it's a shame, whether he wins or loses, that John McCain will go down in history for running a racist campaign. The fact that he thinks it will work shows that he is completely out of touch.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.