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Username2324 said:
mrstickball said:
Since when has a company forced the consumer into an agreement other than the one they agreed to?

He agreed to a re-occurring payment of $7.99 a month. Regardless if there's a better deal out there, I am certain there are laws preventing companies from switching consumers' plans without telling them.

What's so hard about sending a little email saying:
"Dear Thomas,

Would you like to upgrade your Xbox Live subscription to Gold(?) Membership?"


So why would they send him that email when he already has an XBL Gold Membership? That's what he was paying the $7.99/month for...

Anyway, I'm not sure why he would think that MS would automatically roll it over into the year long plan. The $7.99/month plan is good for people who maybe only want to play online for a month or so (e.g. Halo 3 releases and they want to play online with their friends while they are really into the game for 2-3 months), but otherwise he should definitely have just gone with the year plan from the start.

I guess it's because he just used his credit card to pay for it that he didn't really notice. I bought my year using a pre-paid card and now that my year is ending MS was kind enough to send me an email saying that my XBL Gold subscription would end in another month.


starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

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