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mowe said:

I hope you realize that those critics are right. The Wii doesn't have many good games and the best way the prove it is showing the review scores. In fact, some would use "no third party support" and "no good third party support" interchangeably, myself included.

If a person says that the Wii does not have third party game support, is he really wrong? Obviously what he means is that there are no good games, and you can't really point to the many mini-game collections to prove him wrong. The point I'm trying to make is that critics of the Wii have basically been saying the same thing for a while, that there are far fewer good third party games on the Wii, and they have been completely right.

I know that you and many others seem to think that the whole world is against the Wii. That the critics are always coming up with new ways to bash the system. That before it was "no third party games" and now when the games did come they changed it to "no good third party games", citing review scores. Believe me, only a few select idiots are "out to get" the Wii. It's not hating if you're truly just stating facts (and review scores are great example of facts).


Critics are human beings and their reveiws are their opinions. Metacritic combines the opinions of a whopping 30 people (or less).  Thirty people sharing an opinion does not make it fact.  That you agree with those thirty does not make it fact either.  (Is it fact that Superman II is the second best film of all time? That's what metacritic says.)


Critics are over whelmingly hardcore gamers. The wii has fewer hardcore games, and the hardcore games it does have will always be missing two elements that have huge appeal to hardcore gamers (cutting edge graphics and standard controllers) Ergo, it is totally expected that critics will give wii games lower scores.


Think about this list from another thread. Hardcore gamers in that thread rushed in to say that the games on there suck. I disagree. Most of the games on that list I either own of am thinking of owning. Those games appeal to my values. That most of them have sold well indicates other people share those values also.


Just tie this altogether, I don't think many wiifans think the world is against the wii, but I do think its fair to say that when it comes to extended activites of gaming (like participating in forums or writing game reviews) that there are more HD console fans than wii fans. Certainly I don't think any of them are "out to get" the wii, but neither do they show it or those who enjoy it any respect.