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Zucas said:
mrstickball said:
Microsoft's 3 year warranty is retroactive. Any box thats under 3 years old gets the service plan, regardless.

Goto your best buy and demand a new Xbox. If that doesn't work, call MS and demand a new X360.

Either way, you'll get back into gaming quickly.


Yea that's an overstatement.  2 friends had this happen and did exactly that and took them a month to get a new 360.  Even worse those 360s were older models than they ones they had. 

OT: feel ya bro... RROD suck and MS don't do much to help ya out with it.  Bad timign really too with all the good games coming out.


You're right!

I pre-ordered Fable 2, Fallout 3, and Gears 2 all last week, and man, if Best Buy doesn't give me a 360 on the spot, fists will be thrown.