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I am about 4 hours in and it is an intense and very entertaining game. The voice acting is top notch, as as noted above, you feel tense every second. When you access the inventory it is in real time so unless you pause the game their is no stopping the current action.

My wife usually reads, or gets on the net during my 360 time. But ever since I have opened this game, she has sat intently watching me play, screaming, grabbing my leg, pointing out items, hiding her face in a pillow, ect. ect.

It is very creapy, and the music score, mixed with freaky creeks and whispers gets your heart going. I recommend you stop playing at least an hour before bed, otherwise you may have some interesting dreams.

Event Horizon, Aliens, The Thing, all mixed in a blender. Nuff said. A great game so far and worth my purchase!