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akuma587 said:
Kasz216 said:
akuma587 said:
Kasz216 said:
akuma587 said:
bardicverse said:

I definitely need the right to bare arms... i wear a lot of t-shirts! Ohhh you mean BEAR arms. ;) hehe just messin on your spelling. But seriously, I can agree with your point there, though I think when you take something AWAY from the constitution, you're undermining the founders of this country. Additions of rights for blacks and women amongst other people only further promote the ideals that the constitution was founded on - equality. Taking arms away from citizens is a negative, as if one were to say that there was an error in the constitutional rights.


We have freedom of speech but we aren't allowed to yell fire in a public theater.  How is that any different?  That is a right of mine being taken away.


Yelling fire in a theatre infringes on the rights of other people.  By risking their life.

Simply owning weapons does not infringe on anyone elses rights.


Its illegal in many places to use profanity.  That's a restriction on my freedom of speech.  That barely infringes on other people's rights and goes against the free speech principle.

What if someone stole your gun and used it to kill my family?  That infringes upon their rights.

Are explosives arms?  What if you kept explosives in your house and they actually blew up and destroyed the house next door.  That infringes upon their rights.


Where is it illegal to use profanity?

Yes the person who stole the gun and used it to kill your family infringed on their rights.  So would someone who stole a butter knife and stabbed your family to death.  Or stole some sausage and choked someone with it.

Yes the mishandling of said arms would be the infringement... if you mishandled explosives and it blew up the house next to you, you would be held responsible for the explosion.  Not because you owned the explosives, but because they were mishandled.

Just how only the misuse of words to cause harm is illegal.  Only the misuse of arms is illegal.

There is no double standard there.  The double standard is yours under current law.

For the last 102 years, however, it has been illegal in Michigan to “use any indecent, immoral, obscene, vulgar or insulting language in the presence or hearing of any woman or child.”

I agree with you about the stealing the gun thing, it isn't really much of an issue as long as the gun is in a secure place and is not in plain sight.

But it is illegal to have many types of explosives, and is illegal to make certain types of explosives on your own because of the harm it could potentially cause.


Yeah, the supreme court should overturn that law... and the explosives law too.

Not that i'm against people not being able to build bombs willy nilly all they want... but these things should be done the correct way.

One of the biggest problems we have in this country is that the government doesn't really follow the law because the Supreme Court doesn't do it's job... but instead interprets things the way the judges want to fit their ideologies... and not what it actually means.

The Supreme court... (both republican and democratic judges) are intellectually dishonest in a large number of their decisions.