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SuperDave said:
bardicverse said:
SuperDave said:
Man you people are so overly dramatic, I don't get how you're all so angry.

@Mafoo saying things like "Oh, and I don't own a gun, nor do I wish harm on anyone. I just want to right to defend myself against my government." just makes you sound like a psycho. The government is not out to get you and you don't need some constitutional right to go shoot them up if you consider them unjust.

@bardicverse, don't fool yourself into thinking that America was founded upon equality. It took nearly 100 years to abolish slavery, 150 to provide women the ability to vote and still have a large wage gap compared to men. Gay people still can't get married. You can't be president unless you're born an American. Sure compared to some countries, this is way better, but don't lift that stiff upper lip claiming America is this glorious land of freedoms and equality.


Actually it was, that was the intended principle. You have to take into consideration that the views of society at the time didn't regard slaves or women on the same level in general. It would be like passing a law now that excludes rights for frogs, and 100 years from now, frog rights are established. Women and slaves were not viewed as "individuals" in general, and thus the laws were slighted against them, only on the grounds that they were so often overlooked. Had someone like Abe Lincoln said "Hey, those slaves - theyre people too", things might have been different. What you are saying is the end result of a social norm of a time period many moons ago. Yet, don't think that the intent was for equality.



Ok I'll accept that, but that exact argument can be used to point out why the right to bare arms is no longer needed. Clearly it made sense during a period where the country had recently had to fight for their independance against a foreign power and very much distrusted the role of government. Yet anytime someone suggests removing gun rights because it's really not necessary in todays society(the 'man' is not coming to get you), people get all up in arms(no pun intended) saying that the founding fathers protected your rights to bare arms etc.

I definitely need the right to bare arms... i wear a lot of t-shirts! Ohhh you mean BEAR arms. ;) hehe just messin on your spelling. But seriously, I can agree with your point there, though I think when you take something AWAY from the constitution, you're undermining the founders of this country. Additions of rights for blacks and women amongst other people only further promote the ideals that the constitution was founded on - equality. Taking arms away from citizens is a negative, as if one were to say that there was an error in the constitutional rights.