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JGarret said:
twesterm, impressions please!!!

How´s the scare-o-meter?



I'm not far at all yet, I was really going to dive into it this weekend.  This is what I've got after about an hour of play:

  • You always feel tense, even around save points I was always watching every corner and on the edge of my seat.
  • The sound is pretty awesome and that’s what makes me always feel tense
  • Lots and lots of cool dynamic lights
  • Love how they're reusing all the space
  • The HUD is a neat idea in that they didn’t want a real HUD and wanted something more immersive.  To me, it just turned into a different HUD that was cool but nothing more immersive (and sometimes it’s more annoying than cool because of the camera)
  • I hate the camera.  You rotate the camera independent of the camera so you get in the situation pretty often where you’re looking at your face and running towards the camera.  I very much prefer cameras that just stay attached to your back like ours.  I have a funny feeling they only did that so you could play with their fancy HUD.
  • Enemies just pop out of nowhere (they come from vents but you never see it happen).  It’s scary the first few times but then you just start to expect enemies to randomly appear
  • So far the scary feeling isn’t anything special.  It’s still good, but nothing has been too amazing and nothing I haven’t seen in other games yet (and I’m a complete pussy when playing games like this).  Of course I’m only an hour or so into the game so I fully expect it to get better.  I think it’s mainly because you just start to expect enemies to appear from nowhere.
  • The shooting arms thing is neat and it’s hard to unlearn the headshot but I keep trying to shoot where the arm connects to the body (because that makes sense to me) rather than just shooting their arms and waste more ammo than I need to.

Even with those negatives, I'm still really digging the game and can't wait to get back to it (I only didn't play last night becahse I was exhausted and had to get up early today)