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User generate content in games is a *minefield*. Its not some trivial little thing - its going to open up all sorts of wierd doors and legal issues.

This is why personally I either *play* games (play someone else's content, which I paid for), *make* games (work on my own games, in my own studio for tangible reward) - or *stuff around* in an editor (i.e. level editor in brawl), which I am happy to give to anyone for free.

There is no middle ground - I will never spend *real time* making content in games - its not supposed to be the purpose of a game in general.


There is also a little thing called "Copyright law" - when someone creates something, then have the rights to it. I'm not sure Sony can so easily negate this with a simple EULA. Especially when the content can easily contain other copyrighted content (scanned images, music, ...).

Going to be interesting to see what happens.

Gesta Non Verba

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