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tokilamockingbrd said:
it is not charater assination to call Obama a socialist becuase he is, it is not c a to ask about his relationship with Ayres, or White, or Rezco, Acorn.

Do you think that if McCain had help his first campaign fundraiser in the home of an Abortion clinic bomber he would be running for pres?

The c a I was reffering to in relation to Obama was calling him a Muslim Terrorist and things of that nature. McCain has done none of that, but people on the far right have. When I say far right I mean even more than Limbaugh and Hannity. Those two have attacked Obama, but using legimate topics (socialism, associations, and such)

Obama's a socialist?  We already have a progressive tax.  Are we already socialist?  Raising taxes on 5% of people is crossing the line and making us socialist, or will that just make us slightly more socialist?


And seriously drop the Ayers thing.  Obama and him aren't good friends.  However, McCain and Gordon Liddy are good friends.  They still hang out.  Last November, McCain went on his radio show. Liddy greeted him as "an old friend," and McCain said "I'm proud of you, I'm proud of your family."  McCain also said "It's always a pleasure for me to come on your program, Gordon, and congratulations on your continued success and adherence to the principles and philosophies that keep our nation great."

Liddy spent 5 and a half years in prison for conspiracy, burglary, and wiretapping in the Watergate scandal.  He would've spent 20 years, but Carter let him out early, the jackass.

Here's Liddy on listening to Hitler on the radio: "It made me feel a strength inside I had never known before. Hitler's sheer animal confidence and power of will [entranced me]. He sent an electric current through my body."

He also made plans to kill journalist Jack Anderson, but didn't act on them.