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SmokedHostage said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
SmokedHostage said:
Words Of Wisdom said:

SmokedHostage said:

Superior to WoW's

Does not compute.  Emerald Hill FTW.

Anyway, random rock-ish songs can go crawl into a dumpster for all I care.  They're only tarnishing Sonic's name.

Would you prefer if a new Sonic game is released with all 16-bit music?

Considering Capcom just did an 8-bit Megaman 9... I'd love it. 

Honestly, Sega needs to rediscover the elements that made Sonic so great once upon a time.  10 years from now, people probably won't remember any of these rockish themes but Chemical Plant, Emerald Hill, and a few others will be known even then.  That's the magic that comes with a great game.  Sonic had that once.  I don't know if Sega will ever find it again, but I hope they do.

I still remember Open your Heart, It Doesn't Matter 1 and 2, What I'm Made of, Live and Learn, and the Crush 40 version of His World... I guess I'm not a person.

There there, s'okay.  We can fix you, we have the technology.