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NNN2004 said:
i know why sony did this ... they afraid their products will not be sell anymore in the islamic countries ... iam muslim and i live in islamic country .. u remember the time when a newspaper from denmark draw profit. mohamed . all the shops here remove all the denmark products from their shelves and not even a single prodcuct sold that time & until now most of the muslims dont buy products from denmark .... sony afraid that the same thing will happend to them if they dont recall the game.

Yes, it was blown completely out of proportions.. but actually the goods does sell again, although you might argue not as well as before.

I think what sony fears are the other things that happened. Where the danish people got threatened with death and that they should all die. They... and i quote "wanted to trial the people who made the drawings and then decapitate them," (yes fair trial there) they were burning danish flags, saying all kind of shit about wanting to bomb denmark etc.


Worst part is that they actually only made some of the pictures, the rest were used by extremist to further their cause. Another thing is that the guys who made the drawings even today fear for their lives..

What was done, not by them, but by extremists were what really should have caused an oproar.

Oh yeah.. and the only reason the pictures were made in the first place was because someone had madea book about muhammed (not an offensive book, but a book about his life, for children) and he wanted someone to make drawings to accompany the text, but when he tried, people were afraid to do so, which is why the newspaper decided to gather up some people and make those satirical drawings to show that there was no reason for people not to make the drawings for his book.

It also took between 4-6 months before anyone got offended. Thats a long time. Sort of like in this case i guess..


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